Otonashi Records
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What alternative rock is,
SPOILMAN's music is “cheap.” They love to use cheap 10,000 yen guitars, do not own a single amp, and do not use any unnecessary effect pedals, but there is no philosophy or ideology in their music. All they have is a tornado-esque ensemble that is created by their well-trained and solid playing ability, and a band sound that strikes with a unique resonance. But that is enough. They are an alternative rock band.
SPOILMAN's past activities have gained a huge following among some core listeners who prefer grunge, gritty alternative rock, and post-hardcore, but have not been appreciated by the music media, especially by the culture-loving middle class. Hence, the band remains uncrowned since its inception in 2019. The production pace was fast and in 2023 the band released three albums, and in 2024 they released a 2-CD live disc featuring a complete 90-minute live performance at a community center, which determined their reputation as a live band. The recording process continued behind the scenes while the band continued to play an enormous number of live shows, and in 2025, the band finally completed this album, "OBLIVION TRACKS. This work is certainly “cheap,” but it is definitely the "real thing. And there is a decisive difference from SPOILMAN's previous works. It has a frightening degree of perfection and seamlessness, and to put it bluntly, it is "pop.
What is pop? Is it only beautiful melodies and familiar sounds? No. These popular elements are only one aspect of pop. Pop is about transcending borders. Just as Japanese otaku culture transcended national borders and racial boundaries, pop music has a universal appeal that transcends different genres and demographics. The songs on this album are intense, sometimes dubious, and unsparing in their ideas. While starting from their roots in the sub-genres of post-hardcore, grunge, and noise rock of the 90s, the band freely traverses genres and eras while reiterating what rock is all about. The band's performance is an explosion of strong guitar riffs and rough playing. No need for expensive equipment that is not suitable for their size, they compete with their ideas and skills. SPOILMAN is clearly different from what is called “alternative rock” in Japan, but the meaning of “alternative” is to present a different value system to the existing conventions. Have people forgotten what alternative really means? This album, “OBLIVION TRACKS”, will make you question the meaning of alternative again.
SPOILMANのこれまでの活動は、グランジや硬質なオルタナティブ・ロック、ポストハードコアを好む一部のコアリスナーの間で絶大な支持を得るが、カルチャーを嗜む中産階級層を中心とする音楽メディアから評価されなかった。故に2019年のバンド結成以来、無冠のバンドのままだ。制作ペースは速く2023年には3枚のアルバムをリリースし、2024年には90分に及ぶ公民館でのライブを完全収録した2枚組ライブ盤CDをリリース、ライブバンドとしての評価を決定づけた。その後も膨大なライブ本数を重ねつつ水面下でレコーディングは進行しており、2025年遂に本作『OBLIVION TRACKS』を完成させた。本作は確かに「安物」には違いないが間違いなく「本物」である。そしてこれまでのSPOILMAN作品群とは決定的な違いがある。恐ろしいほどの完成度、隙の無さ、誤解を恐れず言うならば「ポップ」なのである。
ポップとは何か? 美しいメロディや耳馴染みの良いサウンドだけがポップだろうか。違う、それら大衆的な要素はポップの一側面に過ぎない。ポップとは越境性だ。日本オタクカルチャーが国境や人種を越境していったように、異なるジャンル・属性を超えて広く訴えかける普遍性を宿したものだ。本作に収録された楽曲達は、激しくも時に怪しげに、そして惜しげもなく幾多のアイデアと共に鳴らされる。それは彼らのルーツであるポストハードコア、グランジ、ノイズロックといった90年代を軸としたサブジャンルを起点にしつつもジャンルも時代も自由に横断しながら、ロックとはなんたるかを改めて提示していく。強烈なギターリフとラフなバンド演奏による爆発。身の丈に合わない高価な機材は必要なく、アイデアとスキルで勝負する。確かにSPOILMANは日本国内でオルタナティブ・ロックと呼ばれているバンド達とは明らかに異なる存在だが、しかし既存の慣習に対して別の価値観を提示することこそがオルタナティブの意義だ。人々は本当のオルタナティブの意味を忘れてしまったのか?『OBLIVION TRACKS』=「忘却の軌跡」を意味するこのアルバムが、再びその意義を問うだろう。
1 - Intro
2 - Daydreams' Dance Drill
3 - Open Sesame!!
4 - Majestic Farce
5 - Pillow And Little Lily
6 - Two Marbles
7 - My Intestine Get Tangled In The Jet Engine And Sucked In The Jet Engine And Sucked In
8 - Snow
9 - Oblivion Man
10 - Metal Plants